Untitled (Entitled) by Diane Dechief was commissioned in conjunction with the exhibition Untitled (Entitled) by Jacqueline Hoàng Nguyễn.
Design: Chris Lee
Printing: The Printing House
Jacqueline Hoàng Nguyễn is a research-based artist and uses a broad range of media, often relying on archival material to investigate issues of historicity, collectivity, Utopian politics, and multiculturalism within the framework of feminist theory. Currently based in Stockholm, she completed the Whitney’s Independent Study Program, New York, in 2011, having obtained her MFA and a post-graduate diploma in Critical Studies from the Malmö Art Academy, Sweden, in 2005, and a BFA from Concordia University, Montreal, in 2003. Nguyễn’s work has been shown internationally in institutions including Gordon Smith Gallery of Canadian Art, Vancouver (2018); Cantor Fitzgerald Gallery, Philadelphia (2018); MAMA, Rotterdam (2018); MacKenzie Art Gallery, Regina (2017); and SAVVY, Berlin (2017). Nguyễn was the 2017 Audain Visual Artist-In-Residence at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada and participated in NTU Center for Contemporary Art Singapore’s Residencies Program (2018).
Dr. Diane Dechief designs and teaches science communication and digital writing courses at the McGill Writing Centre. In 2019, she received a student-nominated Distinguished Teaching Award from her faculty. In 2014, at the University of Toronto’s iSchool, she completed her dissertation on personal names as the juncture of power, language, and identity in Canada’s shifting cultural landscape. Dr. Dechief’s current research focuses on science communication, equity, and names. (On that final note, Dechief is pronounced de-CHEF.)