
Archives: Closure

NOTICE OF CLOSURE: Winter Holidays | December 24 – January 9th

Notice of office/gallery closure: Trinity Square Video will be closed for the holidays. From December 24 – January 9th.* We hope to see you all in the New Year! Stay safe.

*With the exception of the online workshops running at the beginning of January

NOTICE OF CLOSURE: Friday, September 30th to observe National Day for Truth and Reconciliation / Orange Shirt Day

(Image 1) Illustration by Fallon Simard (@waasegiizhik)

(Image 2) Poem by Smokii Sumac (@smokiisumac)

(Content Warning: Residential Schools)

In 1971, Trinity Square Video opened its doors in downtown Toronto. The year before that (1970) the Mohawk Institute, the residential school nearest to us (according to the Shingwauk Residential School Centre and the CBC) closed after 139 years of operations. …

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