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Archives: Astrology

ANNOUNCEMENT: Themed Commission Residency 2022

We are pleased to announce the artists selected for our annual themed commission: Jenna Reid & Cassandra Myers, Sarah Holloway, Lena Phillips, Laura Margaret Ramsey, Shonee, Maria Simmons, and Sidi Chen. This year’s open call, titled Ecologies & Cosmologies invites project proposals that explore and critique different forms of interdependency, networks of life, and destabilize fixed entities/identities/borders through technological, ecological or cosmological metaphors.

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PROGRAMMING: Astrology Consultations with Cadence Planthara

Astrology Consultations with Cadence Planthara

In conjunction with the exhibition Disputed Bodies, participating artist Cadence Planthara will be offering 50-minute natal chart consultations at Trinity Square Video.

These one-on-one astrology readings are FREE, but space is limited. Sessions will take place in the evenings at the gallery.

If you know your date, exact time (with source, e.g. birth certificate), and place of birth, …

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