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para reimaginar
las artes mediáticas

Archives: Creative Cloud

Premiere Pro CC Intermediate: Part 2 of 2

October 24 / 6PM-9PM / $50 Non-Member* / $30 Member / CLUB SKILLS / Skills Member

Continue upgrading your knowledge of Premiere Pro CC with Andrew Cromey. Part 2 continues this introduction to advanced concepts of System Setup; Workflow; Fine-Cutting Tools; Finishing, and Output. Practical methods of Media Management and Archiving will also be covered. Prior Premiere Pro experience is recommended.

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October 24

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Green Screen 2 After Effects: Part 2 of 2*

June 21 / 6:00pm-9:00pm / $50 Non-Member* / $30 Member / CLUB SKILLS / Skills Member

Compositing defines the medium of video. This second half of a 2 part workshop continues participants exploration of After Effects with video compositing with Dean Vargas. Recommended: Pre-requisite Green Screen 2 After Effects: Part 1 of 2.

Photo credit: Tubig, Dean Vargas, 2006, Video Still, Commission for Trinity Square …

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