مساحة لإعادة تصور الفنون الإعلامية

Archives: Lisa Myers


Trinity Square Video is happy to present Koffler.Digital‘s interview series Death To/Long Live: THE ARCHIVE

10 – 16 March 2018

Featuring interviews with Deanna Bowen, Avi Feldman, Chris Gehman, Lisa Myers, Maria-Saroja Ponnambalam, Rah and Sajdeep Soomal. 

Death To/Long Live: THE ARCHIVE is series of interviews created by Koffler.Digital, exploring the socio-political function of video art and their archives. We spoke to artists, curators, arts workers, and activists, …

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PUBLICATION: wnoondwaamin | we hear them (Touring Catalogue)

wnoondwaamin | we hear them calls for the occupation of sound waves, exploring the capacity of these energies to access knowledge and memory. Together these artworks create a chorus and a conversation about the resonances that sound carries beyond the merely audible.
This catalogue accompanied the touring exhibition to White Water Gallery (North Bay, ON), Art Gallery of Soutwestern Manitoba (Brandon, MB), Paved Arts (Saskatoon, …

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PUBLICATION: wnoondwaamin | we hear them

Click here to download.