Un espacio
para reimaginar
las artes mediáticas


PROGRAMMING: Sound Gathering Workshop with Mitchell Akiyama and Brady Peters

Sound Gathering Workshop with Mitchell Akiyama and Brady Peters
Sunday June 9, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
The Bentway 

Please RSVP

On June 9 at 1pm, join The Bentway’s Artists in Residence – Mitchell Akiyama and Brady Peters – for a Sound Gathering Workshop.

Participants will learn about sound recording in the field, the role that architecture and infrastructure have on acoustics, and will be asked to consider how sound affects their lives and what they might want to do to change or maintain aspects of their sonic environment.

Afterwards, participants will be guided through a group recording exercise in which they’ll fan out across The Bentway and make recordings. These recording will then be used by Mitchell Akiyama in his exhibition Everyonce, which is generously supported by the Toronto Friends of the Visual Arts.

Participants will use their phones to make the recordings. Please bring a working smartphone.

Mitchell Akiyama is a Toronto-based scholar, composer, and artist. His eclectic body of work includes writings about sound, metaphors, animals, and media technologies; scores for film and dance; and objects and installations that trouble received ideas about history, perception, and sensory experience. He holds a PhD in communications from McGill University and an MFA from Concordia University and is Assistant Professor of Visual Studies in the Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design at the University of Toronto.

Brady Peters is an architect and designer based in Toronto, Canada, and an Assistant Professor at the John H. Daniels School of Architecture, Landscape, and Design. Peters specializes in architectural acoustics, environmental simulation, computational design, and digital fabrication.